21. The week...

Quite a big week! Its been cold (-6C on two consecutive nights, and on Friday morning we woke to ice on the inside of our bedroom windows; it made me wonder how eskimos reproduce. Is there a special section of the Anne Summers catalogue?)

To combat the cold, I could turn on the heating like normal people. But being on v v expensive oil, and being the only one here, I tend to fight it. I chop a lot of logs. I DSW (see earlier post), I repair fences. And on Thursday I acquired (from a neighbour) about 25 bags of chipping. Lots of spade and wheelbarrow action! My plan is to remove all the grass from our fenced veg garden and replace it with chipping.
Had a problem with moles.

But, I spotted a cat lurking near our beehive, and the next time I walked past the molehills, I found this:-


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